Monday, July 20, 2009

So I'm healing or DPSing?

This is my first question in every pug... And sadly the awnser is 99% chance.... DPSing...
I mean Whuh?

There is a healer shortage everyone knows that, and still I may only heal if there is no other way!
I'm gonna make some screenies tonight of my pugs 'cause this needs to be known: a resto shaman can heal.... I'm not kidding....Stop laughing....ok are you done?

My specs are: Resto (MS) Ele (OS) and I love them both, though Ele is just for soloing... and yet i keep getting asked to dps...
Okaj, not to brag, but since lvl50ish (BRD pug) untill now, i've never come second on the dps meters, always first head and tails over the rest... yes even the DK.
My dps: 730ish the rests: 500-650ish (every class even mage and dk) Now I still play with guys from a few lvls back, so they keep asking to dps, thats normal. But still... I've healed everything from DM till BRD, did Ramps and BF as a healer, and I only wiped once... (in ST)...
I mean 1 wipe, how many can say that? I have a billion "oh shit" buttons and still they won't take me. there's always a priest or druid that wants to heal, even an occasional paladin.
Healer shortage my ass....

So tell me... 300SP, 6.5K mana, 3 oh shit buttons... what do I need more to finally get to freaking heal, without begging my ass off!

For the record: yes I <3 healing .... no not kidding... yes, stop laughing... ahhh nvm *shuts door*


  1. My planning of my little shaman will be on Restro when she ding 80.

    I still believe in the healer shortage, I guess that'll be @ 80, but not on leveling. For the Buff we could bring to the raid, and especially Heroism/Bloodlust.

    My shaman is on 54 level now, waiting for 3.2 (Flying in outland!) and my gf back from her holiday. M-Spec Enchance (For Single target) and O-Spec (For AE).

    Didn't run any instance yet, so I am not sure how it rolls, but I am impressed by my questing experiences.

    Look forward to your shaman tips *blink*, since I am still noob on the class

  2. hehe Tanks Zekta for your comment and for reading this!

    I would say run a few dungeons, you'll be suprised by the DPS output (i was with ele dps)
    especcially after lvl60
