Sunday, July 26, 2009

68-69: Northrend Baby!

Oooooh yeah, Ariäni dinged 68 and went to Northrend and I was happy ^^
I just arrived, setted my HS and got a /W of my RL best mate: "Hey m8, Do you think Ari could boost me in ZF?" To be frank I couldn't wait to test out my new flameboy baby ^^ So I said yes and Did, we completed the run with him dieing once, a lot of MB and the coolest stairfight ever.
I just popped my Fire Elemental totem downstairs and let him fire nova everyone down.. And I saw that it was GoooooD.

After that ZF was completed I HS'd and went to lvl a bit, not even 15mins back in Borean thundra and I got a /W from a stranger: Want to heal UK? My momma always told me not to listen to strangers whispering in my ear but... I couldn't help myself, ma! Really it was soooooo nice...

Well the dungeon was... pfffft ahum *grumble*. Nah It wasn't that bad... Line up:
First boss: (Ice Tombs + Adds)
First try: got ice tombed: everyone died cause nobody attacked the icetombs...
Second try: ice tombs getting shattered, the tank didn't pick up the adds, I went to him under aggro, and he didn't drop D&D... I died = everyone died.
Third try: got through it

Second boss: You know it those two that need to die at the same.
Went pretty good actually: I died by the random shadow balls, soulstoned and started shielding/riptide"ing"/earthliving the tank. Then died again by a charge and 3K blow O_O well one dk and a warlock survived, so walk back but all good.

Last boss: Tried him 4 times, First and second we just died, third time the tank pulled while I was still rezzing the dps. O_O (love that emoticon) Fourth went ok.

All by all, the Tank took some serious hits and dropped immensly fast while fighting 4-5 guys. The healing that I did was to be honest not aduaquate, on the last two bossfights I went OOM even after dropping the mana tide totem and chucking a potion, I was Watershieled, so luckily it doesnt take long before I can spam again and since I'm a dranei, i got my gift of the naaru thing. I was heal spamming to keep the tank up, and if dps took aoe, the chainheals really cut into my mana.

BTW: something a healer wants a warlock to know: Don't go Life tapping yourself in the middle of a fight with AOE without warning... ffs

Oh well all went well, dinged 69 while lvling in Borean Leather...euhm Borean Thundra.
And on something you all don't care about: got myQuest Gem perfection So i have a chance to create the perfect gem!


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