Friday, July 24, 2009

Shaman Guides... non existent?

So this is quite weird...
I have my own rotation for healing/dps etc..
But to improve them I usually look for a basic guide/ rotation / talent spec etc...
I never use the standard spec, but it's always based upon one.
Now I was looking for lvling guides, rotation guides and good specs for shaman and wel...
There aren't many.
I have found no "lvling" guides with decent info on how to play a shaman.
I have found only one rotation/spec guide for shamans (elitist jerks)

Is the class so underpowered or unattractive that no-one plays them? That there is no need for a decent healing guide as for other classes? I've seen the Theorycrafting breakdown on Elitist Jerks ofc. since I theorycraft myself this wasn't a lot new stuff. Also I was dissapointed by their "best rotation" since 1: there is no real healing rotation 2: lhw RT lhw lhw rt isn't something I think should be used as standard?

So fellow shaman tell me this: Have you read any decent guides about the class we play?

PS: I was looking at them since I wanted to post a small guide here at the Blog but wanted to make sure I gave decent info.


  1. perhaps you should have a look here, if u haven't already..

  2. £Thx for the advice Geforce, but already looked at the blogs, not many with updated info, doesn't really matter, just more for me to explore and write ^^

  3. Here is one about running away while levelling

    How to level a WoW Shaman got to level 26

    Here is something for elementalists at 80: has specs and "rotation" if melee if your thing.

    But you are right about healing, there doesn't seem to be anywhere which spells it out explicitly.

  4. I read those on wowhead forum, there two short guide on talent points and "rotation" both for elemenal and enchancement

    For healing, I recall I had read a very decent guide, on plusheal or elitejerk
    Can't found it back at the moment though...
    But I remember it's at least updated to 3.1...

  5. I blog about leveling characters as I play them. But I move around on different classes so I blog about certain blocks of levels like "Leveling 1-20" and so forth.

    But, it's also done from a solo perspective too, so Resto is certainly out for me. My guide mentions only Enhancement.

    But I did find the same thing. Shaman guides are pretty close to non-existent.
