Monday, July 20, 2009

243+ totems to drop (part 2)

So as said my line up changed considerably since now.

Soloing and grouping as elemental:
Since i solo in Elemental, I try to reduce my downtime as much as possible and I try to keep my damage as high as possible. So the line up is the following:
- Totem of wrath (or magma totem)
- Water shield
- flamethongue weapon
Yes I only drop one totem.. sometimes 2 (mana spring) if i'm low on mana.

Why? => since i'm spamming LB and FrS all the time the earth/wind/water totems aren't needed. Or atleast not untill i get my wrath of air totem. It also costs mana, and its not effective.
why do i use FrS (frost shock) Well the mobs don't live long enough to benifit from FS.

Solo i hit 550 DPS (in group 750) and i drink about 2times a lvl. (granted i use my trinket, thunderstorm and if needed potions to get mana)

Note: with this setup in a group I drink quite a lot though, since i CL FrS LB all the time.

Healing in a group:
-Water shield
- earthliving weapon
- Flamethongue totem (spellpower ftw)
- Mana spring totem

Again minimizes the downtime and gives a nice SP boost.
Mostly i can just earth shield the tank, and LHW or Riptide him.

Lvling and healing at lvl63ish is easy and fun, so no need for large tactics or rotations. keep it simple and if needed use your "oh shit buttons"
i use grid+clicque so i have lhw at left click, chain heal at middle, riptide at rightclick
HW at shift left, ES at shift middle and the decurse/depoison/dedisease at shift right
hotbar: 1- instant o shit button 2 - 60/40/20% crit oh shit button
so a "1" shift click is instant save. (not like its ever needed before lvl70+ or with a bad pug

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